fall 2021

Director's Notes Fall 2021

I am so looking forward to hosting in person classes for all who are vaccinated. It's been a long stretch and I know we are not out of the woods yet, but let's celebrate making art together again with our vaccinated friends.

Of special note: Sanctuary Arts proudly presents a showcase, at the York Public Library, of many of its instructors, talented artists who are passionate about their work and eager to pass on their technical and creative expertise. This show will be running through August. Please join us on Tuesday, August 24th for a closing art reception from 4:00-6:00pm.

Join us on September 11 for our annual Iron Pour Benefit and Open House. This is a benefit for Sanctuary Arts Connects, our new scholarship nonprofit. The event is from 11 – 4 (sand tiles must be completed by1 pm. The rain date is September 12.

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I made a huge mistake in the mailed brochure. I completely forgot to include Sean Beavers’ wonderful Thursday evening class (SA 8A) - Representational Oil Painting which meets for 11 weeks, September 30 – December 16. Sean’s class is perfect for beginners as well as very experienced painters. I’ve been studying with him since he began teaching here in 1999 and through his guidance and immersing myself in learning to paint, have slowly transitioned from being a figurative sculptor to exhibiting primarily as a painter. I can’t say enough about Sean’s ability to share his technical expertise and encourage his students to go beyond what they think they are capable of.

I am very pleased that Joshua Langstaff is rejoining us here at Sanctuary Arts after a long hiatus in Prague and Portland Oregon. I was lucky to be able to study figure drawing and painting with him for a time. A consummate painter, he was also an inspiring teacher. He broke down instruction into small, comprehensible steps and was able to meet each student at their skill level and guide and encourage them. He was also very curious about the palette choices of some of the old masters, broadening our knowledge about pigments and color mixing techniques. You could tell he was passionate about painting and his passion was contagious. We all became better painters under his excellent guidance. Joshua is offering The Classical Figure (SA 5). We haven't had a comprehensive figure class in a while and he is the perfect instructor to hone your figure drawing and painting skills with. We also have not had a classical drawing class here since Joshua left. He is rectifying that with Principles of Classical Drawing (SA 6), a class that is not only essential for anyone striving to create representational images, but also perfect for high school students to hone their drawing skills as they get their portfolios ready for art schools or ateliers. Joshua is also teaching online classes for Juliet Aristides, the author of Classical Painting Atelier and Classical Drawing Atelier. She is the instructor of the Aristides Classical Atelier at the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle, Washington.

Anthony Alemany is offering Clay Figure Sketching from Life ( SA 11), a class for capturing the gesture or essence of a pose. Anthony has been using Sanctuary Arts as his studio while we have been closed for in person classes. He has been diligently working with a model, making an armature for each sketch and creating dynamic, energetic pieces. He's a gifted teacher as well as a fine sculptor. If you have never tried sculpting, this is the class for you.

Amanda Rouse offers Block Printing (SA 14) for one weekend. Produce a design that can be stamped or printed on paper or fabric after you carve your design into a linoleum printing plate. Amanda is an excellent instructor who can guide you through the technical aspects of stamp making, foam printing, creating print editions, and printing patterns on fabric.

Alice Carroll once again offers her regular Jewelry & Metalsmithing class (SA 15) as well as a couple of one session workshops; Spinner Ring Workshops (SA 16) and Forged Bracelet (SA 17) for those who don’t want to commit to an ongoing class but want to get a taste of working with metals. Alice is a nurturing and professional instructor who brings out the best in her students.

Of course we have our tried and true regular classes and are happy to begin again, so embrace the chance to get your brushes wet, your clay centered, your figure armatures built, your metals hammered, your rollers inked and your drawing pencils and your chisels and knives sharpened.




Winter 2022


Spring/Summer 2021