winter 2021

Bill Paarlberg, “Rock that looks like an apple”

Bill Paarlberg, “Rock that looks like an apple”

This Winter is all about Zoom, a virtual means of coming together to learn new techniques and become inspired in the safety of our own homes. We all need some distraction from the vicissitudes of this pandemic.

We welcome a new instructor, Suzanne Lacke, to teach a couple of virtual classes; Pastel Drawing (SA5) and Figure Drawing (SA6). Suzanne Lacke is an artist and teacher who has recently moved to Eliot Maine from Berkeley California. She is a figurative painter with a long history of study in figure drawing and figure painting who has taught for over 25 years at various Colleges such as UC Berkeley, College of Marin, Santa Rosa Junior College and the Richmond Art Center in Richmond California. She has been an exhibiting artist in The San Francisco Bay Area and was most recently included in an exhibit at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park: “The de Young Open”. Visit her website at to see her work.

Tom Glover offers Photography & Landscape Painting (SA1), a hybrid class featuring both plein air and photography on location, alternating with zoom instruction and critiques as you work from your sketches and photographs at home in your studio.



Alastair Dacey offers another approach to working from plein air sketches and photography, in his Fresh Air in the Studio (SA4) with emphasis on keeping the light and life in a painting as you work in your studio. Alastair will demonstrate how he sets up in his studio, as he creates studio paintings from his plein air sketches and photo references. See the creation of a painting from beginning to end, successes, foibles, and all. Students will work each week, implementing what was presented and discussed each class.



Bill Paarlberg presents Weekly Sketchbook Challenge (SA2), making winter-in-a- pandemic more exciting by tackling a new and thought provoking sketchbook project every week. Challenges include self-portraits, still life, pop-up paper construction, and the view out your window.


Carol Ann Morley offers Dutch Tulips (SA3), Rendering with Colored Pencils. Carol is a master botanical Illustrator, and we are glad she could find a little time for us since she is in high demand in virtual classes all over the country. She also offers a weekend 2 session workshop in Colored Pencil Techniques (SA8).





Antoinette Schultze invites students to study Soft Stone Carving (SA9) with her this Winter in her heated, large steel sculpture studio in Eliot, with proper social distancing and masks. Her Fall students requested a continuation since they enjoyed her class so much. Toni is generous with her experience with both hand and power tools, from the roughing out through the finishing process.



Welcome to new Digital Photography instructor Steve McGrath who will be teaching a class (SA10) in March. Steve McGrath is a professional freelance Photographer and Photography Teacher who has been creating images for 30 years. Steve first began by shooting sports photography for local high schools, then weddings, and stock agencies. Then his love of the outdoors led him to focusing more on his true passion "nature photography" Many of his images have been published in school text books. His favorite places to shoot are Acadia National Park in Maine, the Green Mountains of Vermont, and the Cape Cod National Seashore. If, like me, you want to improve the quality of your reference photos for your drawings and paintings, then this is the class to take.

This Winter taking a class or two will mean even more to me as I need all of the distraction- and enthusiasm generated by learning something new, as I can get as we tough things out til brighter Spring days.



Spring/Summer 2021